Left-Side Radicals

Dating back to 2000 years ago during the Han dynasty, there was a scholar called 许慎(xǔ shèn) who edited and compiled a book called《说文解字》(Character Analysis) which is probably the oldest dictionary in China. He compiled a total of 9300 Chinese characters. During the process, he thought about how to sort them out so that it would be easy to find any character. Finally, he sorted by putting the characters that share the same component into the same group. These components are called as radical.

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Eight Main Traditional Cuisines in China

When it comes to culinary cuisines in China, they are very rich and diverse, each has its own individual taste and style that differ from region to region. The history of some cuisines can be dated thousand years back. In this post, we will cover these 8 cuisines and some factors that lead to the development of these cuisines, as well as introducing some mouth-watering dishes that each cuisine offers.

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Covid-19 Related words for Chinese Learners

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus, Covid-19 has become a commonly discussed topic in our daily lives. It has influenced the way we live, work, play, and of course, the terms we use whenever this topic arises in our day-to-day conversations. In this article, we will cover some frequently used or seen terms related to Covid-19. Stay tuned to this page to learn some new vocabulary.

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Typing and Writing in Mandarin Chinese

It is true that writing Chinese characters is easier said than done. It takes plenty of determination and time to remember the character, the right order of strokes, its pronunciation and meaning. However, writing in Chinese is one of the four parts of Chinese language learning and also what makes up the Chinese language basics.

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How to Learn Chinese Characters?

Learn how to write Chinese characters to build up your vocabulary starts with learning Chinese Strokes and Radicals. Follow the right stokes orders helps you to write faster and more beautiful. Learn Mandarin Characters now !

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The Dos and Don’ts of Learning Mandarin 

Language learning is a lifelong journey. Finding your learning style takes time in addition to trial and error. While a particular learning style is not “one size fit all,” there are some general dos and don’ts when learning Mandarin. These are especially helpful to people who are planning to pick up the language or are at the Beginner level. Read on to find out! 

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4 Basic Mandarin Language Skills

The four skills when learning a new language are, listening, speaking, reading and writing, or rather 听 (tīng), 说 (shuō), 读 (dú), 写 (xiě) when translated into Mandarin. They should be learned consistently and are equally important as the foundation of the Chinese language. What are some of the main tips for each skill? In this post, we will be focusing on Simplified Chinese, as it is the format taught and used in Singapore.

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5 Tips to Get Yourself Well-Prepared before Learning Mandarin

Many have said that Mandarin Chinese is one of the most difficult language to learn. Yes, it may be true due to the four distinct tones and long history of the language or one may feel intimidated to learn a new language. However, it is not a tough one to take on a long as you have goals and determination. You can become a master in one of the most spoken languages in the world. How should you prepare yourself before diving into the world of Mandarin? Well… Let’s dive in! 

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Intensive Mandarin Chinese Courses Singapore (Daytime Chinese Class)

Looking for an intensive Mandarin Chinese Courses in Singapore? Join our 3 days per week or 5 days per week class to learn Mandarin Chinese at Han Hai Language Studio. This course is well paced into 9 sessions/18 hours per level. This intensive Chinese course is suitable for complete beginners who wants to learn the new language quickly and effectively.

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